Water plays an important role in our lives, It is the source of life, It is one of the most important material resources indispensable for human survival and development. Human life inseparable from water, water is the main substance of human life needs. The physiological function of the human body is multifaceted, and all chemical reactions occur in the body are carried out in medium water, no water, nutrients cannot be absorbed; Oxygen cannot be transport to the required parts; Nutrients and hormones cannot reach its function parts; Waste cannot be remove, metabolism will stop, human will die. Therefore, water is the most important matter for human life. On Earth, where there is water, there is life. All the life activity is the originated in the water. Water within the human body is about 70% of our body weight. Among them, the brain content 75% of water, blood content 83% of water, muscle content 75% of water, even the hardest bones content 22% of water! Without water, nutrients in foods cannot be absorbed, waste cannot be excreted, medicine cannot reach the function part. Once human body lack of water, the consequences are very serious. Lack of 1% -2% water, will feel thirsty; lack of 5% water, lips will dry, skin wrinkles, unconsciousness and even visual hallucinations; lack of 15% water, often in hunger. Without food, human can still live up to 2 months, but without water, human just can live up to 4-6 days.