pH of Food
Alkaline Food

An alkaline diet emphasizes alkaline foods such as whole fruits and vegetables and certain whole grains, which are low in caloric density. Healthy Alkaline Diet Foods involve the ideal balance between acidifying and alkalizing foods.
The body includes a number of organ systems that are adept at neutralizing and eliminating excess acid, but there is a limit to know how much acid even a healthy body can cope with effectively. The body is capable of maintaining an acid-alkaline balance provided that the organs are functioning properly, that a well-balanced alkaline diet is being consumed, and that other acid-producing factors, such as tobacco use, are avoided.

It also contains good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is essential for red blood cell formation.
One of the very low calorie vegetables; provides just 34 calories per 100 g. Nevertheless, it is rich in dietary fibre, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that have proven health benefits. Fresh vegetable is exceptionally rich source of vitamin-C。Vitamin-C is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and immune modulator, helps fight against flu causing viruses.

It is also rich in anti-oxidant flavonoids like lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants have been found to offer protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Phyto-chemicals present in watermelon like lycopene and carotenoids have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals.
Almond nuts
Rich sources of vitamins, and minerals. These nuts compose of well-balanced food principles that are essential for optimum health and wellness.The nuts are an excellent source of vitamin E。Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining cell membrane integrity of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful effects of oxygen-free radicals.

Unlike other nuts and seeds, are relatively low in calories, carry less fat, but are rich sources of minerals, vitamins and phyto-nutrients that immensely benefit health.The nuts are an excellent source of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, besides providing a very good amount of potassium (518 mg / 100 g). Potassium helps counter hypertensive action of sodium, lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Iron helps prevent microcytic-anemia.Magnesium and phosphorus are important components of bone metabolism.
Acidic Food
A diet that consists of too many acid-producing foods, such as protein, can cause acidity in your urine, which can cause a type of kidney stone called uric acid stones to form.
It’s been speculated that overacidity can cause bone and muscle deterioration. This is because the bones contain calcium, which is used to restore the blood’s pH balance when it becomes too acidic. There is some evidence that phosphoric acid, commonly found in darker sodas, is linked to lower bone density, especially when it replaces milk, a calcium and protein-rich beverage. Overacidity can also increase your risk for cancer, liver problems, and heart disease.

Bad news for chocolate lovers: Chocolate seems to cause more reflux than any other food. It’s a triple whammy:
-Chocolate contains caffeine and other stimulants such as theobromine, which cause reflux.
-Chocolate is high in fat, and fat causes reflux.
-Chocolate is also high in cocoa, and cocoa causes reflux.
Theoretically, dark chocolate isn’t as bad as high-fat milk chocolate, but let’s face it—all chocolate is bad for reflux.
High-fat dairy products
All high-fat foods cause reflux. There is no reason to believe that one high-fat butter or cheese is better than another in this regard. If you have reflux and a serious cheese habit, something has to give.
Use a small amount of these foods as flavoring, but not as main ingredients. Low fat is better than no fat.

High-fat meats
Acid reflux is caused by high-fat cuts of meat—beef, pork, lamb—which stay longer in the stomach and increase the chance of acid reflux.
Try cutting back to a lean cut of meat and eat it only once a week.
Fried food
Fried food is the single most recognized cause of reflux. It is also the food most often associated with heartburn, which is chest pain from esophageal reflux.
Deep-fried (or even not-so-deep-fried) foods are on the "bad list" because of their high fat content.